Toys In Motion offers a Stop & Drop service to various locations in the East Sussex area. Parents and caregivers are welcome to come onto our big yellow van to have a browse, and choose what they want for a small fee. Please have a look at our Stop & Drop visiting timetable to find a location and time suitable for you.
Mon 29th | Hailsham East Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Willingdon Trees Children's Centre | 10:15 - 10:45am | |
Newhaven Children's Centre | 11:15 - 11:45am | |
Greys Nursery Newhaven | 01:00 - 01:15pm | |
Tue 30th | Chailey Free Church | 10:30 - 10:45am |
Peacehaven Children's Centre | 12:45 - 01:15pm | |
Wed 31st | None | |
Thur 1st | Willingdon Apolistic Church | 09:30 - 9:45am |
Fri 2nd | Willingdon Trees Children's Centre | 10:00 -10:15am |
Berwick Village Hall | Times Vary |
Mon 5th | All Saints Church Crowborough | 10:30 - 11:00am |
Tue 6th | None | |
Wed 7th | None | |
Thur 8th | Willingdon Trees Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Kings Church Heathfield | 10:15 - 10:45am | |
Fri 9th | Shinewater Children's Centre | 10:00 -10:15am |
Mon 12th | Hailsham East Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Newhaven Children's Centre | 11:15-11:45am | |
Greys Nursery | 01:00 - 01:15pm | |
Tue 13th | None | |
Wed 14th | Nippers Clinton Place, Seaford | Times Vary |
Peacehaven Children's Centre | 11:45am - 12:15pm | |
Thur 15th | None | |
Fri 16th | Kings Church, Lewes | 11:45am - 12:15pm |
Mon 19th | Greys Nursery, Newhaven | Times Vary |
Tue 20th | None | |
Wed 21st | ShineWater Children's Centre | Time TBC |
Thur 22nd | Willingdon Trees Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Fri 23rd | None |
Mon 26th | Hailsham East Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Willingdon Trees Children's Centre | 10:15 - 10:45am | |
Newhaven Children's Centre | 11:15 - 11:45am | |
Greys Nursery Newhaven | 01:00 - 01:15pm | |
Tue 27th | Chailey Free Church | 10:30 - 10:45am |
Peacehaven Children's Centre | 12:45 - 01:15pm | |
Wed 28th | None | |
Thur 29th | Willingdon Apolistic Church | 09:30 - 9:45am |
Fri 30th | Willingdon Trees Children's Centre | 10:00 -10:15am |
Berwick Village Hall | Times Vary |
Mon 3rd | All Saints Church Crowborough | 10:30 - 11:00am |
Tue 4th | None | |
Wed 5th | None | |
Thur 6th | Willingdon Trees Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Kings Church Heathfield | 10:15 - 10:45am | |
Fri 7th | Shinewater Children's Centre | 10:00 -10:15am |
Community Wise Centre Eastbourne | 11:15 -11:45am |
Mon 10th | Hailsham East Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Newhaven Children's Centre | 11:15-11:45am | |
Greys Nursery | 01:00 - 01:15pm | |
Tue 11th | None | |
Wed 12th | Nippers Clinton Place, Seaford | Times Vary |
Peacehaven Children's Centre | 11:45am - 12:15pm | |
Thur 13th | None | |
Fri 14th | Kings Church, Lewes | 11:45am - 12:15pm |
Mon 17th | Greys Nursery, Newhaven | Times Vary |
Tue 18th | None | |
Wed 19st | ShineWater Children's Centre | Time TBC |
Thur 20th | Willingdon Trees Community Centre | 09:30 - 10:00am |
Fri 21st | None |