About Us

Toys in Motion is a mobile toy library, it works like a mobile book library. We visit various locations where you can come on to the van and borrow toys from our vast and ever changing selection. However unlike a book library we do ask for a small hire charge.

Toys in Motion is a needed service and it is recognised that there is no other service of this nature working within our areas. We will make contact with every group within the service area, whilst we work towards the sustainability figure. We are recognised by OFSTED in supplying childcare settings with equipment that provides them with a variety of toys which promote equal opportunities and children's personal development opportunities. We also work in close partnership with Children's Centres.

Toys in Motion will promote all aspects of equal opportunities with compassion and consistency. Toys that we purchase are bought with equal opportunities as a priority and we will continue to build upon our variety of toys for children who have any form of disability. We also strive to have a selection of toys for those who do not speak English as a first language. Every child has the right to expect a high and fair level of service from Toys in Motion. By actively promoting all aspects of our Equal Opportunities policy, we believe that we fulfil our service users expectations. We welcome volunteers who want to help but may require assistance and guidance.